Friday 19 July 2013

Beautiful weather and Mount Victoria

Wellington didn't give me the nicest welcome weather-wise, as the first week was completely cold, rainy, and windy. Add not having central heating indoors to the combination, and I spent most of my first few days here wrapped in a blanket trying to stay warm! However, this week the weather has gotten MUCH better and I've been able to enjoy the beautiful outdoors! I feel like I'm constantly shocked by the breathtaking landscapes that I pass everyday just walking around the city.
View walking to class

Yesterday, my friend Katie and I decided to experience a classic Wellington landmark, Mt Victoria! Its about a 20 minute or so walk there, then a quick hike up to a beautiful view of the city all around. Some pictures from the hike:

Katie and I at the top! The stranger who took this struggled quite a bit with my camera

The last picture is appropriate because we had a 5.7 magnitude earthquake this morning! There wasn't any damage or injuries, but it was quite the event to happen while I was making breakfast this morning. I guess I have to get used to living on a city located on some fault lines!

Thanks for reading!

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